Hello friends,
last week I shared a tweet from X with you. Knowing that some of you are part of the community and others not, I decided to tell you my story.
MY STORY sounds big, right?
Well, in fact it is this time.
It is safe to say this article is different from all previously written articles. Towards the end you will understand why I never parted ways with exercise. I will share with you how social anxiety played a role in my life and how I found a way to become self confident.
Oh, before I forget.
You can send me direct messages now. See the button at the bottom of the article.
I used to suffer from social anxiety until my early thirties. Now I’m more confident than ever.
Have you ever felt this way?
New people, unknown situations - left me feeling nervous, uncomfortable.
“I`d rather be somewhere else” became a prominent thought. It took years until I got into action.
I got tired of suffering and knew something had to change.
So went to find solutions… Where?
The Self-help industry. I became customer number and read many books on personal development. Here`s a portion of those
• The Power of Now
• Psycho-Cybernetics
• Think and Grow Rich
• Creative Visualization
The books helped me in many ways.
• Fight my inner voice
• Boost my confidence
• Expand my comfort zone
Daily visualizations and affirmations became my best friend and they helped.
Ever tried any of the relaxation techniques?
Here`s how I did it: Every morning and evening, I would sit on the edge of my bed , closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths and started to visualize the day ahead…..seeing myself doing all the things without resistance, feeling self confident and also at peace with myself.
It was shocking to me how much of a change it made….it felt like I had done these things before (which I had in my mind).
Me, feeling confident, that was new.
On some days I felt a level of confidence I never had before.
On other days I was my old self.
You know the feeling of being a ball of tension, it is exhausting. I kept looking for other ways of self confidence boosters.
My dad was into running back then. I remember sitting in the back of the car, reading trough a book on jogging. How much it increases your life quality, your life expectancy. The usual stuff.
But then….I was glued to the book.
The author presented study after study on how exercise calms the mind, decreases stress... I was 18 or 19, that was new to me. I was hooked…..the next day I started running in my big ass Basketball boots.
What can I say, the beginning felt uncomfortable.
Because I started walking and felt like a grandpa escaping from the nursing home.
You see, my self consciousness was in full effect.
Think of one thing most adults are scared of? Correct, giving presentations…in front of an audience.
I was scared of these…. days before.
Maybe you can relate. You know that tension building up to the event.
But wait, how about doing exercise before? Going for a run before any anxiety-provoking event became my natural remedy.
Presentations, dates….you name it.
Of course my body changed along the way, which helped me become more self-confident.
I realized that exercise is a magic pill. I could not see myself not exercise.
Was this enough to get rid of social anxiety? No.
It took therapy to make another step forward but that was still not enough.
In retrospective, I`m happy I made the decision to rely on big pharma.
I started trying this when I was 30. It is safe to say I had experienced social anxiety on a daily level long enough.
The result?
It helped me living my life over again. No, I´m not exaggerating.
I was living a anxiety-free life and that was the best feeling in the world.
As much as the pills helped I knew I could not and should not pop them forever.
I stopped using them (with the advice of a professional) a few years ago and realized….to my surprise that I don`t need them anymore.
The important thing is that exercising was the beginning. It showed me way to deal with my anxiousness and continues to give me much more.
It gave me the same calm that pills gave me later.
It goes to show the power of exercise.
My journey with exercise and health continued. Studying sports and Public health while working as a personal trainer followed.
Health became my passion.
See, if you are struggling in your life, exercise will not always be the answer.
At least not the only answer.
But I can guarantee one thing: Making exercise part of your identity will change you on the inside and outside.
It doesn`t matter what your initial motivation is.
Is it a strong body that you want, do you want to be respected by other people or become more self-confident.
Maybe you enjoy the motions, the team aspect….whatever it is.
Exercise can do all of that for you.
Do not make the mistake to believe that it is only about a nice physique, there is so much more to it.
• Low energy, exercise
• Feel stressed, exercise
• Want to live longer, exercise
• Want to sleep better, exercise
Want……you get the idea. Exercise is one of the greatest boosts you will find.
I help people like you find all of the benefits mentioned here.
And I know you have limited time.
If you have been thinking about prioritizing your health, let`s talk.
so insightful!
I definitely agree with you, exercising does so much for the body, I am a testament to this. And I loved how you shared your personal insights and story. Great read.