While Richard's got some years on me, I too am flourishing within the fitness community at a point in time that most people consider "middle age." I'll be forty in eleven days, and my body feels like it did when I was wrestling in high school...Maybe even better because I've got a more focused approach to my training. While there's a lot of inspirational stories like this, I know that life is unpredictable. Even more so in our current climate. I can only hope to enjoy the fruits of my labor for many years to come. I plan to continue as long as I can. Like my therapist told me during a session, "Enjoy the good moment, before it leaves and comes back again."

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Hey Adam,

I can relate to what you said. My training has also evolved in the sense of being smarter, taking a more structured approach and have an eye on recovery.

I love what your therapist said. Prevention should be our focus, but good things won’t last, but they can come back.

Exercise might be the best weapon to age gracefully.

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And welcome to my Newsletter!

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It's an honor to be a subscriber! I'm glad that Tim shared your post, and I'm looking forward to reading more writings from your newsletter.

I'm glad we have several tools in our arsenal for fighting the sands of time. Exercise is definitely one of the most potent. Diet is another. Both are things I've largely neglected until just four years ago. It's like I've found the Holy Grail or something, hahah. Simple, yet effective tools are the best!

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Happy to read that.

100 %

Exercise is the best medicine.

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Do you think it’s too late? That you’re too old to start exercising?

It isn’t.

This guy started in his late 80s! Start now and you can improve in every area of your health.

I love reading stories like this. It’s these unsung hero’s that affect lives all around them. Imagine the inspiration everyone at this guy’s gym are getting every week.

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Hey Tim,

I know exactly what you mean, I these stories too.

They give an injection of energy and show you what is possible.

Too many people believe this is not possible. Well, it’s not the norm, but it is possible.

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